Monday, February 25, 2008

Randy Jackson's Music Club, Vol. 1

Paula Abdul's video for her new song "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow" has been out for awhile (you can check it out HERE if you haven't seen it yet or would like another gander at it) and the song is inoffensive but it would have been nice if she had bothered to learn one new dance move in the past 20 years for the video.

A friend of mine is a little more forgiving and said, "It totally is every video of hers from the 80's/90's... BUT she looks great... and it's not bad for someone as old as she is, who's always drugged out of her gourd."

Anyways, Paula's co-host Randy Jackson has an album coming out March 11 and the new album's first single is fellow Paula's "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow." Randy's claim to fame is as a superstar music producer and he's always dropping names of the famous people he's worked with on Idol so it'll be interesting to see what kind of talent pool he's gonna be working with or if Paula's the showstopper.