Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hard Decisions: Drag Queens, Dress-up, Alien Invasions, Tinfoil Hats, and More

The highly-anticipated gay-themed, choose-your-own-adventure movie "Hard Decisions" is coming to YouTube in the Fall of 2015.

"Hard Decisions" follows Brandon and his friends as they decide what to do with their afternoon. Will they go out to a restaurant or order Thai food delivery? Will they play video games or play dress-up? Will Brandon break up with his boyfriend Jeff or will they stay together? The viewer navigates through a labyrinth of decisions to reach 11 possible endings. Each decision leads the viewer to another YouTube segment to continue the story. The viewer can then go back and see what might have happened if Brandon made decisions differently.

Brandon is also HIV positive, though writer/director Eli Rarey doesn’t make that the focus of the story. “I wanted to make a movie that has a main character who is HIV positive, but it isn’t about him having HIV, it’s just one of the things about him. Because no one I know who is HIV-positive is living their lives like an after school special. So this movie is about drag queen rivalries and couples therapy and aliens invading the planet, and Brandon just happens to be HIV positive,” Rarey says in the Kickstarter promo video.