Thursday, January 24, 2008

Join the Create Denver Advisory Committee

The Denver Office of Cultural Affairs (DOCA) seeks enthusiastic, innovative and civic-minded leaders to participate on the new Create Denver Advisory Committee (CDAC), an outgrowth of the Mayor’s Task Force on Creative Spaces. The purpose of CDAC is three-fold:

1. Advise DOCA Senior Economic Development Specialist and Denver Commission on Cultural Affairs on new and ongoing Create Denver initiatives.
2. Expand Create Denver outreach efforts in Denver’s creative community.
3. Raise the profile and impact of Create Denver activities.

“Create Denver has been a successful initiative of the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs largely because of its partnerships with other City agencies and community organizations,” said Ginger White, DOCA Senior Economic Development Specialist. “Through this new committee, we seek to broaden our partnerships and expand our reach into Denver’s creative community so as to continue on a fruitful path.”

For additional information and to apply to serve on CDAC, please visit The deadline for applications is Wednesday, January 30, 2008.