Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boulder PrideFest photos 'n stuff

Colorado's PrideFest season is officially over now that Boulder PrideFest has come and gone.

It was my first PrideFest there and it's always nice to get back for a visit. I lived there for a couple of years when I was in my '20s. I was a lifeguard at the Boulder Reservoir and boy, there are some stories I could tell!

Anyway, Boulder PrideFest was pleasant enough but I was really surprised by how small and mellow an affair it was. There was no parade or anything just a couple of blocks of booths and things. There were some parties and events after the fact but I was home napping by the time all that went down.

Check out my Boulder PrideFest photos after the jump.

Balloon artist with rainbow hat

The sexy ladies of Purple Haze

Cute young gay boys

Crowd shot

Crowd shot

The Bias Incident Hotline at 720-936-0555 pledges to keep Boulder safe


So tall and colorful

Jared Polis buttons