Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Focus on the what, now? Or, who would Jesus lay off?

Anti-gay Christian ministry Focus on the Family just spent half a million dollars to push Proposition 8 in California, and now it is planning to lay off over 200 people --and right around the holidays!

Merry Christmas from James Dobson!

I'm really glad that you are focusing on the families of your dedicated workers. If you would have kept your money in Colorado, maybe these families that depend on your organization for their income wouldn't be left out in the cold. Dr. Dobson, this is shameful! You could have paid those workers' salaries with that money. You're so concerned about same-sex marriages breaking up families. How many families will you hurt with these layoffs?

All in the name of trying to prevent people who are different from you from trying to have families of their own.


It's absolutely contemptible for a so-called Christian organization to put political game-playing ahead of its own workers and then profess to be concerned about families.