Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Thanksgiving, let's count our gay blessings

In the spirit of the season, Detroit News columnist Deb Price gives thanks for some GLBT blessings.

Even though it's been a tough year for gay rights on some fronts, we should all probably do the same.

I personally would like to give thanks for my lovely sister Gretchen and my 15-year-old niece Miranda who, I just happened to find out, are huge proponents of gay marriage.

They were both very disappointed that I didn't ask them to go to the Prop. 8 protest here in town a couple of weeks ago. I had no idea they were so supportive of the issue.

Miranda has a big "I Support Gay Marriage" bumper sticker on her myspace page and has plans to print up T-shirts that say, "I'm Christian and I support gay marriage".

Isn't that adorable?

Hurray for all of our Straight But Not Narrow supporters, friends, and relatives.

Happy Thanksgiving!