Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GLAAD responds to Sen. Renfroe's anti-gay remarks

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) today urged media to turn a spotlight on anti-gay remarks made by Colorado State Senator Scott Renfroe (posing with his family above - I got sick of using his official headshot with the dorky ass smile) on February 23, 2009, during a Senate debate over a bill that would allow gay and lesbian state employees to share health benefits with their partners.

According to The Denver Post, Renfroe stated that "homosexuality is seen as a violation of this natural creative order, and it is an offense to God." He continued ". . . When we create laws that go against what biblically we are supposed to stand for, I think we are allowing to go forward a sin that should not be treated by government as something that is legal. We are taking sins and making them legally OK."

The full report on state Sen. Renfroe's anti-gay comments is available online at www.denverpost.com/search/ci_11770359.

Contact Sen. Renfroe directly to let him know what he said was not ok.