Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sen. David Schultheis is an ass

I continue to marvel at some people's idea of "family values".

State Sen. David Schultheis (R-El Paso County-idiot) voted against a bill requiring pregnant women to be tested for HIV so their babies can be treated to prevent transfer of the virus from mother to child. Now regardless of your opinion on mandatory HIV testing, it's Schultheis' reason for his vote that blows me away: if babies are born HIV positive, they can teach society about the risks of promiscuity.

What kind of "family values" proponent advocates using innocent babies to "teach society a lesson"? What kind of "family values" proponent favors risking a newborn's health in order to teach a lesson? This is nuts. Never mind that HIV is contracted in various ways, only one of which is through sexual activity. Who knows if an HIV-positive mother is promiscuous or not? And what difference should it make?

What kind of a monster is willing to sacrifice innocent babies to prove a point?