Monday, April 13, 2009

COAVP announces new Director of Sustainability

The Colorado Anti-Violence Program (CAVP) is proud to introduce Jerrilyn Page, their newly hired Director of Sustainability. After a long and extensive search process and staff restructuring, they say they are honored that Jerrilyn, who has been working as the Interim Director of Operations since March 2007, has accepted a permanent position with CAVP and will continue to lend her talents to the organization to ensure continued commitment to the liberation of Colorado's LGBTQ communities.

Read more after the jump.

Jerrilyn has a long history of community activism and comes to COAVP with a diverse array of experiences. In 2005, Jerrilyn relocated to Denver from Santa Fe, New Mexico where she worked as the Associate Director of Artwork International. Her move to Denver was inspired by an offer to manage the Urban Ecovillage Project, an effort to build an intentional community focusing on racial and socioeconomic justice as well as environmental sustainability. She has been heavily involved in intentional community building in other capacities as well, and has served on the boards of directors of the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) and on the Boulder Housing Coalition as President.

In the interest of learning how to best support these efforts and other community-based projects, Jerrilyn maintains a focus on grassroots fundraising. As a graduate of the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training, her goal is to create permanently sustainable organizations that are supported, controlled and owned by the communities they serve. She has worked in non-profit fundraising and organizing for the past 10 years with a variety of local and national organizations including Metro State College of Denver, Deproduction: The [denverevolution] Production Group, and Front Range Earth Force.

When asked what she found most appealing about working with the Colorado Anti-Violence Program Jerrilyn answered, "I am so grateful to be working with and for people who have made a commitment to challenging systems of oppression, challenging themselves, and to continually engaging with these issues with authenticity."

Jerrilyn can be reached via email at or by phone at 303-839-5204.