Friday, September 4, 2009

Who Would You Do? George Takei versus Jon Gosselin

Gay icon George Takei will be portraying reality TV star Jon Gosselin in an upcoming 'Jon and Kate Plus Eight' parody with Kathy Griffin.

Takei first earned fame as Lt. Sulu, part of the crew of the Enterprise on 'Star Trek' in the '60s, and enjoyed a resurgence of popularity when he came out as gay in his autobiography in 2005.

Gosselin was first known as the doormat husband of his shrewish wife Kate on the TLC reality show 'Jon and Kate Plus Eight' but is now regularly trashed in the blogosphere as a "douche".

They're both good-looking fellas but which is the one you like to explore strange new worlds with and boldy go where no man has gone before (at least in the case of Jon)?

Who would you do?

Check out some more pics of both guys after the jump.

George Takei

Jon Gosselin