Monday, March 8, 2010

The month in gay history

March 6, 1923
Shortly after 'The God of Vengeance' opens in New York City, its producer and twelve cast members are arrested and charged with "presenting an obscene, indecent, immoral and impure theatrical production" because of its lesbian love scene, the first in a Broadway play.

March 7, 1934
Article 121 makes sodomy between men illegal in all the republics of the USSR.

March 12, 1984
The European Parliament approves its first resolution in support of lesbian and gay rights.

March 16, 1985
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society is founded.

March 23, 1988
Israel decriminalizes same-sex acts between consenting adults.

March 25, 1985When 'The Times of Harvey Milk' wins the Academy Award for Best Documentary, the first on a gay subject to do so, an estimated one billion viewers hear its director, Robert Epstein, express his thanks "to my partner in life, John Wright."

March 28, 1969
San Francisco's Society for Individual Rights president Leo Laurence and his lover are featured in a photo-illustrated article in the Berkeley Barb.

March 29, 1988After eight years in court, Georgetown University loses its fight, based upon its status as an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, to keep lesbian and gay groups off campus. - via the GLBT Historical Society