Monday, May 2, 2011

Be a good boy and nominate your mom for HRC's Mother of the Year

In an effort to recognize loving and supportive mothers across the country this Mothers’ Day, the Family Project at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest civil rights organization dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, has launched the “Mother of the Year” Award contest. The contest will recognize both LGBT and ally moms and is open online at

“A parent’s love and support is so important and we are excited to celebrate that love and support through the Mother of the Year award,” said HRC Family Project Director Ellen Kahn. “Whether they are LGBT moms, or a supportive mom of an LGBT child, we want to recognize and celebrate them.”

To participate, visit the campaign site at You can submit a photo of the nominee and write a brief story (maximum 500 characters) telling us why the LGBT community should know about this outstanding parent. And of course, if you have two moms, please feel free to nominate both, either separately or together.

A panel of judges that includes HRC President Joe Solmonese and HRC Foundation Family Project Director Ellen Kahn will choose one winner and two runners-up. In addition to the distinction of being named “HRC’s Mother of the Year,” the winner will be featured in Equality magazine, on HRC’s website and on the Back Story blog. Runners-up will have their names printed in Equality magazine and on the Back Story blog.

Nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, May 4. Winners will be announced on Friday, May 6. A similar contest will also be held honoring fathers.