Monday, November 14, 2011

The Rat Race (And How To Win It!)

 by Simon O'Mahoney

Whether you need to find a job or are passively exploring new opportunities, sometimes - well, most of the time - looking for a job feels like a full-time job itself.  
Over the coming weeks and months I will discuss several topics pertaining to a job search, everything from creating a resume that works for you to preparing for the first day on the job. This process can be lengthy and tedious but, with a few simple tips and suggestions, I will try to make you stand out from your competition, keep you sane during the process, and hopefully help you land the job of your dreams!
In mapping out a job search I will be addressing the following topics:

Creating a Resume that works for YOU
This blog will be based around creating a resume that highlights you and your accomplishments and not just a job that you have done. I will discuss the importance of matching your resume to a job posting, and discuss the best way for you to get your resume into the ‘right person’s hands’.

Your 30 Second Elevator Speech
You never have a second chance to make a good first impression. I will discuss your 30 second elevator commercial. Your time to brag and shine! Have you ever been introduced to someone who has been on your bucket list only to freeze? You never know when you will meet someone who has the capability to change your life, so you have to be prepared to seize the moment.

Your ‘Online’ Face – A Professional Face that represents YOU
This blog will focus on your ‘online appearance’. I will discuss everything from using to its full advantage to the DOs and DON'Ts on Facebook (you probably knew that was coming!). A few simple steps will eliminate a social media site that is standing in the way of your dream job.

Your Job Search Workbook
Everyone has a company that they would love to work for. I will discuss how to create a strategic target list that will become your job search workbook. After identifying target companies I will discuss how to get your foot in the door, and how to get connected with people within your target companies.

A Strategic Approach to Applying for a Job
This blog will focus on being strategic when searching for and applying for jobs. Applying for ‘every’ job you see posted can often do more damage than good. I will discuss the plan of attack after you see that job of your dreams posted. How to apply, the follow up, your strategic networking approach to find contacts, etc.

Getting the Most out of Networking Events, Job Fairs. Continuous Networking
We have all done it - “Oh, I should really go to this event and do some networking," but when the time comes it can sometimes be painful and your best intentions go out the window. In the blog I will discuss having a plan of attack for these events, the DOs and the DONTs and a guarantee that you will leave with a, “I AM GLAD I WENT TO THAT EVENT!"

THE INTERVIEW! Telephone Interviews, SKYPE Interviews, In Person Interviews … Your chance to shine!
This will span several blogs! I want to discuss everything from preparing for the interview, interviewing tips, responding to difficult questions, what questions to ask and dressing for success. Sounds simple but this is an area where I could and probably will spend a lot of time!

Here’s to YOU winning the RAT RACE!

I welcome any questions, suggestions and feedback,
Simon O'Mahony 

Simon O’Mahony, originally from Dublin, Ireland, was personally recruited by Sage Hospitality and joined the organization as a Corporate Recruiter in 2006. In 2009, Simon was promoted into the role of Talent Acquisition Manager for Sage Hospitality and Sage Restaurant Group. Simon is responsible for hiring management positions for Sage Hospitality nationwide and for their corporate office in downtown Denver. He is also involved in overall recruiting initiatives including college recruiting programs, diversity initiatives, and employer branding. Simon works with several local and nationwide agencies, colleges, universities, in order to build a network and pipeline of candidates. In 2009 he was the recipient of the Sage Innovation Award as a result of his use of social media networking to enhance the recruiting process.

When he is not recruiting, (Recruiters are always working!) Simon enjoys Colorado’s beautiful outdoors. He also has a passion for photography and while it sounds like a cliché he loves meeting new people (which is why he probably loves recruiting!). Simon is a supporter of several non-profit organizations in Denver.

Simon can be reached at