Monday, December 12, 2011

The Weekend in Gay: Partying with Pornstars, Explaining Homophobia, Flamboyant Homosexuals, Intersex Mayors, Gay=Bestiality, and More!

Here's what you might have missed if you weren't chained to your laptop 24/7 this weekend like I was. Mostly. When I wasn't partying with pornstars.

The real reason people are homophobic. - Buzzfeed

Ask a flamboyant homosexual anything. - Reddit 

'90210' - Where Are They Now?

World's first intersex mayor.

Why do conservatives keep trying to make gay = bestiality happen? - Salon

Gay bashing or justified a** whoopin'?

Agony Booth recaps the first season of the original 'DeGrassi'.

And, Stephen Colbert talks Rick Perry's anti-gay ad.