Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado resolves to make 2012 a pro-women, pro-family, pro-choice New Year

The following post was written by Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is a longtime advertiser and supporter of MileHighGayGuy.com:

By most accounts, 2011 was a bad year for women and families. The anti-choice majority in the U.S. House of Representatives voted to redefine rape, allow hospitals that receive federal funds to reject women in need of an abortion (even if her life depends on it), and even threatened to shut down the entire government (twice) over an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.

Sadly, it wasn’t any better in the states; close to 1,000 anti-abortion bills were introduced around the country. In a record setting year, 87 anti-abortion measures were enacted in the states, nearly three times as many as in the previous record holding year, 2005, in which 34 anti-abortion bills were passed.
But 2011 also had a silver lining. The people of Mississippi soundly defeated the so-called “personhood” amendment, the same one that has been defeated twice in Colorado, both by a 3-to-1 margin. If passed in Mississippi, the amendment would have banned all abortions, and potentially outlawed birth control, stem cell research, and in vitro fertilization for couples struggling to conceive.
“Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado is taking that momentum with us into 2012 as we intend to make sure lawmakers know women are watching, and so far, we’re not impressed,” said Cathy Alderman, vice president of public affairs for PPVC.

“PPVC has made it our New Years resolution to see that 2012 is a better year for women and families then 2011. For the third time, we will be joining our coalition partners to defeat another ‘personhood’ attempt in Colorado. We’re also taking steps to ensure that the Colorado State House has a pro-choice majority for the 2012 legislative session,” said Alderman.

PPVC will begin holding legislators accountable on the first day of session by issuing “intent to score” letters regarding important bills that will impact women and families. We will also be sending candidate surveys to all candidates for state legislative seats so that we will have first-hand knowledge of their positions issues related to women’s health, reproductive choice, and sex education. PPVC will share the information provided to us by candidates with our membership of over 27,000 activists statewide.
As a part of our New Year’s resolution, we are asking our supporters to tell us how they plan to make 2012 better for the women in their lives. Whether by signing Planned Parenthood’s online petition, canvassing for a pro-choice candidate, or writing a letter to a lawmaker, we all have the ability to make 2012 a better year for women and families. You can send us your New Year’s Resolution by signing on to our Facebook page, or by sending us a tweet @ppvotescolorado using the hashtag #Women2012.

Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado promotes pro-choice and pro-family planning policies, advocates for unrestricted access to reproductive healthcare services and comprehensive sex education, and serves as the resource of choice for candidates and elected officials on these issues.