Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Gay Vegans: Vitamin D at 46

By Dan Hanley

This blog isn’t just about Vitamin D or about me being 46.
The main theme is drinking the Kool-Aid.
As in don’t drink the Kool-Aid. This is an old reference and it basically means not to blindly follow or believe what someone is saying.
Whether you are at a church or synagogue, a doctor’s office, a vegan conference. Whether you are reading the benefits of eating meat, of not eating meat, the benefits of exercise or which candidate will make YOUR life better.
Don’t do it. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Listen, read, think about it, pray or meditate, talk with your closest friends, and make a decision that is best for YOU.
After 16 years of being vegan and right in the middle of the time in my life when I am consciously trying to be healthier, thanks to a dear friend I learned that there is Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. And I learned that when my soy milk states that it provides 30% of my daily need for Vitamin D, it means D2 not D3.
D3 is tough to get for vegans. Really tough. To be clear, I am still totally learning about this, so please don't take what I am saying as gospel.

I have spent hours researching this. I added Jack Norris' website as a link as he has great info on D3.

The point here is that I had no clue about Vitamin D.

And this of course leads to what other things I may not have a clue about!

Thanks for reading! And please keep me posted on things you are learning about in regards to a vegan diet. You can email me at if you don't want to leave a public comment.

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.