Thursday, June 21, 2012

Health and Fitness: Fabulous Foods Under 50 Calories

By Thom Seehafer

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Here is a list of healthy foods that can help you detox - and they're all under 50 calories:  

Eggplants contain water-insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to the diet and helps  bowels 'exercise.'

Onions contain a nutrient called allicin, which can help lower blood pressure and prevent cancer.

Alfalfa Sprouts
These sprouts are mild diuretics to help cleanse the kidney and also regulate bowel movement.

Tomatoes are well-known for their carotenoids, & can help increase insulin sensitivity and prevent stress-related weight gain in the abdomen.

Artichokes contain inulin, which is a type of carbohydrate that helps decrease the hunger hormone ghrelin. It also stabilizes blood sugar, and helps to detox the liver.

A good source of fiber, spinach also has a ton of vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting.

Lots of fiber,  and aids the performance of the digestive system, therefore helping clean the stomach and intestines of toxins.

Broccoli, is a source of water-insoluble fiber that aids the growth of gut bacteria, organisms that eat sugars and fiber and prevent the proliferation of bad bacteria that can make us sick.

Asparagus is a serious disease killer -- it's been linked to fewer incidences of heart disease, colon cancer, liver disease, and spina bifida.

Lettuce is a good filler food.  It has fiber to help digestion.  The darker the leaves, the better it is.

Parlsey may be thought of as a garnish, but this herb helps cleanse the kidney, aids in digestion of protein and fats and boost immunity.

The amylase in radishes has been found to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates.

The fermentation process that creates sauerkraut has the side effect of creating lactic acid, which stimulates the pancreas, reduce blood pressure, promote healthy sleep and avoid constipation.

Zucchini is full of fibre, helps move things through the intestines, and it also feels more filling than it is in terms of calories, helping keep you from snacking.

Green Beans
Green beans have plenty of vitamin C, along with antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonoids that fight off free radicals in the body.

Tomato Paste
The heating up of tomatoes to make tomato paste can actually make its antioxidants more available to the body -- and as a bonus, tomato paste has been found to help prevent sunburns.

Mushrooms contain some surprising nutrients, like selenium (which has been found to combat bladder cancer), vitamin D, and vitamins B1 and B2, which help the body burn energy.

Cucumbers contain fibre, vitamin A and vitamin C, but it's really the texture and surprising hardiness of these veggies that make them a great snack.

Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are hugely nutritious, beneficially impacting cholesterol, stress and cancer prevention. For weight loss, it's the amount of fiber in the sprouts that helps with digestion, preventing constipation and keeps blood sugar in check.

Bok Choy
The calcium, potassium, vitamin C and folic acid in bok choy made this cousin of cabbage a serious nutritional powerhouse.

Usually consisting of shredded cabbage and carrots, use this as a "hunger buster," ideal with a hint of vinegar to snack on between meals.

Like Brussels sprouts, kale works with the fibre compounds and bile acid in the stomach to help get rid of that acid, and therefore lower cholesterol -- particularly when it's steamed.

Part of the onion and garlic family, leeks can be used in almost any dish, and are known for their 'low energy density' -- very few calories packed into something that can fill you up.

Alpha-carotene can help slow down the aging process & pumpkin has plenty to spare – and the fiber in the gourd helps with weight loss.

Pickle relish easy to use & its fermented qualities act as probiotics for your digestive tract.

Full of calcium and low in calories.

Lots of vitamin C, helps with immunity as well as fighting free radicals.

Turnips really only have vitamin C and a bit of fiber. They're low in calories and make a great snack.

Thanks to okra's "gelatinous" coating, it absorbs water and moves through the digestive system easily, taking with it toxins, cholesterol and bile.

Thom Seehafer is a martial artist, body-builder and part-owner of Body Solutions Rx