Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go purple and stand up to bullies this Friday

When I woke up and found anti-gay slurs written all over my car, I was humiliated. I didn't have the money to fix it, which meant I had to drive around Virginia for weeks in a car that said "fa**ot" all over it.

Thankfully, a local auto-repair shop owner stood up for me and helped me get through it, as you might have seen on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

This Friday, you have the chance to join me, GLAAD and countless others as we take a stand against bullying by going purple for Spirit Day on 10/19.

You can help spread the word about Spirit Day right now by turning your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures purple.

Then on Friday, wear purple and help send a powerful message to LGBT youth that it's okay to be who you are. And watch for the hosts of Good Morning America, Facebook, New York's Times Square and athletes from the NBA to also lend their voices.

Knowing millions support you can make all the difference for teens like me. So go purple online, plan your purple outfit for Friday, get more involved ask friends to join you as we turn America purple for Spirit Day on 10/19 in a stand against bullying and to show our support for LGBT youth.