
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Denver to Host World Premiere of Dixie Longate's New Show!

Dixie Longate, America’s favorite Tupperware lady, launches the World Premiere of her new show Never Wear A Tube Top While Riding a Mechanical Bull (and 16 Other Things I Learned While I Was Drinking Last Thursday) here in the Mile High City at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.

Put on your cowboy boots and walk into her favorite honkytonk as she shares lessons learned after a hard night of drinking. What do a jeweled crown, a cardboard cutout of Julie Andrews and a box of moon pies have in common? Spend the night with Dixie and find out as she swaps her Tupperware bowls for a mechanical bull. 

“Three things that work perfect together: Denver, honkytonks and ME! I couldn't think of a better place to launch my new show. When DCPA said yea, I almost had to put down my drink from excitement,” says Dixie. “Clutching my legs into the sides of a mechanical bull and riding it for dear life is even more challenging in the Mile High city. It's like a late Christmas present to both you and me.”