Friday, May 2, 2014

Jan Brewer bringing anti-LGBT values to Colorado?

By Dave Montez, Executive Director, One Colorado

Guess who's planning a visit to Colorado?
We've just learned that controversial Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is headed to our state tomorrow night to headline a fundraiser for Attorney General candidate Cynthia Coffman.

Yes, that Jan Brewer. The same Jan Brewer who signed Arizona’s extreme anti-immigrant law, SB1070: a misguided law that backfired disastrously and resulted in a job-killing boycott of her state. The same Jan Brewer who tried to cut off funding for organ transplant patients, and most recently helped engineer an unconscionable bill allowing discrimination against gays and lesbians -- before having to reverse course in the face of nationwide outcry.

Send a message to Cynthia Coffman right now: Jan Brewer’s values don’t represent Colorado.
Last year, Gov. Brewer lost a major battle before the U.S. Supreme Court, when the court refused to allow a law ending domestic partner benefits to take effect in Arizona. Rather than focus on issues Arizonans actually care about -- like the economy and education -- Brewer spends her time crusading against our families, attacking Planned Parenthood, and disparaging immigrants.

Meanwhile, Cynthia Coffman recently made it clear she'd rather defend discrimination in our state's constitution than focus on the needs of Colorado families. Does Coffman not understand that ending the exclusion of gay and lesbian couples from marriage helps families and harms no one?

Is Cynthia Coffman wanting to turn Colorado into Arizona? Sign our petition right now -- tell Cynthia Coffman you reject Jan Brewer’s brand of divisive, extreme politics. We’ll deliver your names and comments to Coffman, her boss John Suthers, the media, and other public officials.
Colorado is not Arizona. We respect our neighbors and embrace diversity as a strength. Let’s stand together, and send a clear message that Jan Brewer’s extremism has no place in Colorado politics. Thanks for doing your part.