Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Take the 8th Annual LGBT Community Survey Today!

Got 15 minutes? Why not take the 8th Annual LGBT Community Survey? This is the annual “LGBT census” and has attracted 45,000 LGBT respondents from 150 countries.

Participating in this comprehensive study helps open doors-and minds-around the world, influences positive changes for our community and helps support community media and organizations.

English Version: Click here to start the survey, or paste the following into your browser:

Versión en español: Haz click para comenzar la encuesta, o agrega lo siguiente en la barra de búsqueda:

Everyone who completes the survey by June 30, 2014 may opt to be entered into a drawing to win one of five US $100 cash prizes, or if you win, you can designate a charity to receive the $100.