Friday, June 2, 2017

morgxn - home

home (Official Video) by morgxn on VEVO.

The video for 'home' by morgxn tells the story of Matthew and his cousin, the Empress Vivika Westwood Mugler, who together with Prince Mugler, Mel Mel Mugler, Kamari Mugler and VeeVee Mugler form The Iconic House of Miyake-Mugler.

morgxn gives PAPER Magazine some background on the meaning behind the video and “home” in general: "Belonging is not something handed to you, it's something you must claim for yourself. It's taken me my whole life to decide that the need to belong only matters internally. Trying to fit in is not the same as belonging, sometimes home is found not at home. Matthew - the boy at the center of this story - reminded me of what "belonging" really means. His cousin, Vivika Westwood Mugler, the Empress of The Iconic House of Miyake-Mugler, leads the vogueing house in the video. Shooting this video felt more like a documentary than anything else. To belong is our right... you just gotta claim it."