Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Celebrate Five Years of Legal Marijuana in Colorado


The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) will host an event to celebrate five years of legal marijuana in Colorado, during which attendees will be able to take part in a conversation with the main architects and proponents of the Amendment 64 initiative. The event will take place on Monday, November 6 at the Ritz-Carlton in Denver at 6 p.m. MT.

MPP’s founder and executive director, Rob Kampia, will join Betty Aldworth, Steve Fox, Mason Tvert, and Brian Vicente in conversation during this exclusive ‘fireside chat,’ where they’ll recount stories that have never been told in public. With the benefit of five years’ hindsight, these five pioneers will assess what they assumed to be true, what turned out not to be true, and what was not known at all in 2011 and 2012 when the landmark initiative was drafted and promoted to the public. The conversation will be moderated by Wanda James, CEO of Denver marijuana company Simply Pure, who was a member of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s Amendment 64 implementation task force.