Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Lambda Literary's $25,000 Challenge

In 2018 Lambda Literary turns 30, an incredible milestone for this once scrappy organization that keeps getting stronger and more effective in how we serve queer readers and writers.

When you make a year-end contribution to Lambda Literary, you're connecting LGBTQ authors with K-12 students through LGBTQ Writers in Schools; you're giving a leg up to an up-and-coming writer to attend our Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices; you're helping build community among queer book lovers and writers through Lambda LitFest Los Angeles; you're helping us spotlight excellence in queer writing through The Lambda Literary Awards; and you're supporting the world's leading publisher of queer book reviews through The Lambda Literary Review.

Join author Chuck Forester's $25,000 matching challenge today and help invigorate the next 30 years of queer literary arts.