Thursday, April 5, 2018

Be Counted in the 2020 US Census!

The 2020 census is soon approaching, and will have major consequences for policy and funding decisions over the next decade. It will count LGBT people in relationships, which will provide useful statistical insight. But a huge portion of the LGBTQ community remains unaccounted for. Gender identity and sexual orientation questions need to be included as census questions so we can understand and rectify disparities in employment, housing, and other areas affecting LGBTQ communities. Call your representatives (use this link to find them) and utilize this script to request a more inclusive census:
Hi, my name is ____ and I’m a constituent from ________. I’m calling to urge you to ensure that the 2020 Census include questions about gender identity and sexual orientation. The census must accurately count the LGBTQ population to help policymakers address the discrimination this community still faces in areas like housing and employment. Thank you for all of your hard work.