
Monday, April 23, 2018

Tell the Colorado senate committee to ban conversion therapy today!

By Laura “Pinky” Reinsch, Political Director, One Colorado

Today, a committee in the Colorado Senate will be voting on a bill that will protect LGBTQ young people from so-called "conversion therapy” — a dangerous and discredited practice that falsely claims to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. Colorado Senate leadership has chosen to send the bill to the “kill committee” instead of giving this bill a fair hearing. For the fourth year in a row, Senate leadership has chosen politics over banning this harmful practice.

CLICK HERE to tell the committee to protect LGBTQ youth and support this ban.

All the nation’s leading medical and mental health organizations have come out against these practices — which include the use of shame, verbal abuse, and even aversion techniques like electric shocks. These practices pose serious health risks, including depression, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, social withdrawal, and even suicide.

You can help end these practices in our state by telling our lawmakers that you want them to protect young LGBTQ people by supporting this bill.

We know Vice President Pence supports funding groups that practice conversion therapy. It's time for Colorado to send a message that we support LGBTQ young people and don't want this happening in our state.

We can’t turn our backs on young people and allow one more young person to be targeted and hurt by these dangerous and discredited practices.