Monday, June 4, 2018

Equality Federation: Masterpiece Cakeshop Ruling ...

By Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director, Equality Federation

Today the Supreme Court issued a narrow ruling in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, and while they sided with the baker who discriminated against a same-sex couple, the ruling pertained to the specifics of this case and did not undermine our nation’s core principle that businesses open to the public should be open to all. In fact, it reaffirmed that states can pass laws protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination.

Now we must fight harder than ever to secure comprehensive nondiscrimination protections in every state and at the federal level.

Click here to tell your lawmakers to support the Equality Act!

We won’t stop until all LGBTQ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities and experience full equality in their lives. With greater collaboration and capacity, we fight back harder, stronger and more strategically - together.