Tuesday, September 25, 2018

One Colorado: Register to Vote Online in Colorado: It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s secure.

Voting is one way we can express ourselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Coloradans, as allies, as voters, and as Americans, but to exercise this basic right, we have to be registered to vote!

One Colorado is a proud supporter of National Voter Registration Day, which happens to be today! Want to be a part of this amazing day? Register to vote, or update your voter registration -- then spread the word.

Register to Vote Online: It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s secure.

Spread the word: Once you make sure you’re registered, forward this email to a friend, ask them to join you, and use #NationalVoterRegistrationDay throughout social media.

There are important races up and down your ballot THIS November! Our next governor and state legislature will be making decisions that directly affect LGBTQ Coloradans and their families. Make sure you register to vote today, so you get a ballot in the mail this year.

Thanks for taking a few moments to strengthen our community – and our state – with your voice.