Monday, November 5, 2018

Lambda Legal: Introducing the 'LGBTQ Playbook in the Time of Trump'

By Richard Burns, Interim CEO, Lambda Legal

Like you, I’m a strong supporter of Lambda Legal’s high-impact cases, strategic litigation, and influential policy work. Back in 1980, I joined its first national board of directors. I was honored to help strengthen Lambda Legal then, and I’m humbled to help lead us into the future now.

Over the last thirty years, I have seen Lambda Legal expertly exercise the very strategies you’ve been introduced to this past week – and I’ve seen them work.

As we wrap up our “LGBTQ Playbook in the Time of Trump” series with our last two strategies, I want to extend my deep gratitude to the lawyers on our team who drive LGBT equality forward with every win. But I can’t do so without acknowledging you, Drew, and our supporters all over the country who keep us on the winning side.

You are here because you see a future where our most basic civil liberties aren’t under constant attack. Where transgender and gender nonconforming youth aren’t threatened or harassed for using the school restroom; where our marriages aren’t hollowed out or our dreams of raising a family aren’t cruelly stomped on by government agencies; where our HIV status doesn’t criminalize or marginalize us.

We’ve made incredible progress since the LGBT movement’s most improbable beginnings. I hope you will commit to continuing our fight to advance equality by joining the Justice Fund with a monthly gift that maximizes your impact and ensures can push back against every attack on our lives.

Drew, you, like me, are here because you know a more equal future is within reach. But it won’t be easy – only careful strategy can get us there. Like advancing the law at the state level, narrowing harmful rulings, building precedents, and utilizing non-litigation tools. And today, I’ll tell you about our final strategies: Shaping narratives and embedding these legal strategies in the larger movement.

P.S. If you would like to see all our strategies in one place, I invite you to visit the online version of our "LGBTQ Playbook in the Time of Trump" here.