Monday, November 5, 2018

OUTBermuda: “All Eyes on the Prize of Equality”

This week, Bermuda’s Court of Appeal has scheduled three days for oral arguments in the appeal of the nation’s celebrated marriage equality suit from Wednesday, November 7 through Friday, November 9.

Successful Applicants at the Supreme Court, Maryellen Jackson and Roderick Ferguson said, in a joint statement: “We are humbled by the support given to us beginning with our original trial and we are staying our course in defending this appeal by the Government. There is much work to be done on the island to advance diversity and inclusion. This is one way that we are able to help affirm the experience of gay and lesbian Bermudians who recognize the importance of the institution of marriage for protecting their families.”

OUTBermuda spokesperson Adrian Hartnett-Beasley said, “We have one aim: equality under the law for all loving Bermuda couples and our families. This week, we believe our highest court can only reach the same decision the Supreme Court made in June, when it ruled the Domestic Partnership Act violates our Constitution protecting not only our freedom of conscience but also by outlawing discrimination on the basis of creed. All our eyes are on the prize of equality.”