Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Creating Change - Virtual Conference Opportunity

Once again, the LGBTQ Student Resource Center will be hosting a contingent of students from MSU Denver, CU Denver, and CCD to attend Creating Change – The National Conference on LGBTQ Equality. Creating Change is the premier annual organizing and skills-building event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community and their allies. The conference is run by the National LGBTQ Task Force, and attracts more than 3,500 people from all over the country every year. Presenters and participants come from all walks of life and include members of the business community, elected officials, students, faith leaders and staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations.

This year, due to COVID restrictions, the conference will happen virtually, meaning more people can attend. The LGBTQ Student Resource Center will pay the registration costs for any and all currently enrolled Auraria students who wish to experience this transformative conference.

If you are a student at one of the three Auraria institutions, or know of students who may be interested, click here to fill out the application form by the deadline: January 8, 2021 at 5 p.m.