Friday, July 30, 2021

Former Olympics Contender Michael Gunning Discusses Being a Gay & Black Competitive Swimmer in “It Gets Better” Docu-Series: Passion. Power. Performance.


The most recent episode of Passion. Power. Performance. -- the new digital docu-series from It Gets Better Project in partnership with Procter & Gamble -- features former Olympic hopeful Michael Gunning, who recently had his Olympic dreams derailed by failing to qualify for the 2021 Olympics Games in Tokyo. In his video for the series, Gunning, who is from the UK, but was set to represent his father’s home country of Jamaica in the Olympics, discusses the experiences and challenges he has faced as a gay and black competitive swimmer.

The four-episode docu-series shares inspirational stories behind proud LGBTQ+ athletes who are out and training for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. The digital series premiered during this year’s It Gets Better: A Digital Pride Experience event which streamed live on the organization’s YouTube Channel on June 23rd and 24th (timestamp: 2:21:00). The global audience of the It Gets Better Project received a glimpse into the lives of LGBTQ+ athletes who won’t let setbacks keep them from achieving their dreams.

Michael shares, "I feel very privileged that I can live everyday doing the sport I love, whilst being so open about my sexuality. It's a great feeling, and I'm glad I can be that positive change across diversity and inclusion in professional sports. I'm so proud to take on the role of a positive role model in sport as I never had that when I was growing up. No one looked like me or acted like me, and I suppressed my true self for a long time, so I hope I can act as that beacon of hope to many young LGBTQ+ people in sport."

For nearly a decade, the It Gets Better Project has upheld a mission to uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe through storytelling and community building. Throughout “Passion. Power. Performance.” the organization will also amplify the stories of Team USA paralympic basketball player Courtney Ryan, Brazil rugby player Izzy Cerullo, and USA BMX freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe.