Showing posts with label Amendment 62. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amendment 62. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The GLBT Center of Colorado urges a 'No' vote on Amendment 62

votebutton-104pxThe Center is asking you to Vote No on Amendment 62!  In 2008 Coloradans rejected a similar measure, Amendment 48, by a 3-to-1 margin with 73 percent, or 1.7 million voters, overwhelmingly rejecting it in every county. 
The so-called "personhood" amendment is a dangerous and deceptive measure that if passed, would change the state constitution and insert the government into the personal, private health-care decisions that women and their families make every single day. 

Mail-in ballots for the November elections were sent to voters on Oct. 12, early voting will be Oct. 18-29 and Election Day is Nov.2.  

This amendment could have a huge impact on reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization, which is the way a lot of LGBT families are created. Get more information at   
For additional information about the pending ballot initiatives, please stop by The Center and pick up a copy of the 2010 Colorado Ballot Measure Voter Guide put together by the non-partisan Colorado League of Responsible Voters and The Colorado Civil Engagement Roundtable.