Showing posts with label Log Cabin Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Log Cabin Republicans. Show all posts

Monday, December 1, 2014

Call for Applications for Log Cabin Republicans & Liberty Education Forum Boards of Directors

Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) and non-partisan sister think tank Liberty Education Forum (LEF) are currently accepting applications for a limited number of new members for their Boards of Directors. 

The National Board of Directors is the chief governing body of the national Log Cabin Republicans, representing the interests of the organization's members and constituents. The LCR Board of Directors has the responsibility to ensure the success of the organization through the approval of an annual budget, setting policy, and providing financial support, input, guidance, oversight, and expertise, including voting on endorsements of federal candidates for the House of Representatives, Senate, and President of the United States.

There is a required minimum annual financial contribution of $5,000 for Log Cabin Republicans Board of Directors members. There is a required minimum annual financial contribution of $10,000 for Liberty Education Forum Board of Directors members. Additionally, Board members are required to attend three meetings per year in-person.

Candidates should send a statement of interest along with a current resume to by December 31. Candidates will be considered on a rolling basis and new members will be voted on when the LCR and LEF Boards convene in January.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Log Cabin Republicans Launch Ad Campaign Targeting Openly Gay Rep. Jared Polis

Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) this week launched a new Colorado ad campaign targeting U.S. Rep. Jared Polis.

Says the ad, “Congressman Jared Polis is estimated to be worth more than 65 million dollars. He’s using his personal wealth to fund a ballot initiative campaign in Colorado that would limit or ban responsible high tech energy development in the state. If that happens, it is estimated that Colorado could lose 8 billion dollars and 68,000 jobs in just the first five years. Congressman Polis has over 65 million reasons to fund his own selfish agenda. But most people in Colorado can’t afford to pay for his ideas.”

Listen to the radio ad here.

"Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado has opposed Congressman Polis and his obsession with this bad-business ballot initiative for months. We’re excited to join with Log Cabin Republicans National HQ in Washington, D.C. to turn up the heat in our fight for the individual liberty of all Coloradans by pushing against Polis’ proposal," said George Gramer, Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado President.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado March Monthly Meeting

The Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado will hold their Monthly Business Meeting at Pints Pub - 221 West 13th Avenue - on March 18 starting at 6:30pm for dinner or locally brewed drinks with business meeting starting at 7pm.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Log Cabin Republicans expected, defend Romney endorsement

Log Cabin Republicans’ Casey Pick writes that her group expected the backlash it received for issuing a qualified endorsement of Mitt Romney, but adds that it's a mistake to equate Romney with Republicans such as former Sen. Rick Santorum. 

"Far from a fire-breathing ideologue, Governor Romney is somebody we can work with to improve the lives of LGBT Americans, including on the vital issue of workplace discrimination," Pick writes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Log Cabin issues "qualified endorsement" of Romney

Log Cabin Republicans yesterday issued a "qualified endorsement" of Mitt Romney for president. 

The group acknowledged differences with Romney on issues such as marriage equality, but said Romney would produce "actual tangibles" on issues important to the LGBT community. R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin's executive director, called Romney's signing of a pledge to oppose marriage equality "merely symbolic."

A New York Times blogger says the endorsement proves "that they won’t challenge the party when it’s necessary."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Justice Department filing in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States of America

Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs: Today, the Department of Justice made a filing in a legal challenge to the Don’t Ask, Don’t tell (DADT) policy, as it traditionally does when acts of Congress are challenged. This filing in no way diminishes the President’s firm commitment to achieve a legislative repeal of DADT – indeed, it clearly shows why Congress must act to end this misguided policy. 

The President was disappointed earlier this week when a majority of the Senate was willing to proceed with National Defense Authorization Act, but political posturing created a 60 vote threshold. The President spoke out against DADT in his first State of the Union Address, and the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs have both testified in support of repeal. And the Department of Defense continues to work on a plan on how to implement repeal. The President, along with his Administration, will continue to work with the Senate Leadership to achieve a legislative repeal of DADT as outlined in the NDAA this fall.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Federal Don't Ask, Don't Tell case nears conclusion

The Log Cabin Republicans' case against the military's ban on openly gay troops wound down in federal court in California on Friday.

"Our military will give a convicted felon a gun but will not give a gay guy a typewriter," said Dan Woods (pictured), the lawyer representing the Log Cabin Republicans, in closing arguments. Judge Virginia Phillips interrupted Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Freeborne during his closing arguments to dispute his understanding of the scope of the court's review.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Log Cabin Republicans slam Texas GOP platform language

Calling the anti-gay portions of the Texas Republican party platform document "extremist," the Dallas chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans this week called on Texas Republicans to repudiate the language.

"It is time for Republican office holders to stop pointing fingers while claiming to have 'never read the state platform' and clearly state their agreement or disagreement with such foolish language," the group said.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Gay Republican, Democratic groups join in call for ENDA passage

Leaders of the National Stonewall Democrats and the Log Cabin Republicans have jointly written an op-ed calling for the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

"Employment non-discrimination enjoys strong bipartisan support, is good for American business, and goes a long way to ensure that all hard-working Americans are judged based solely on job performance. Congress must act now to pass ENDA," wrote Michael Mitchell of Stonewall Democrats and Log Cabin's Terry Hamilton.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quote of the Day: Charles Moran

"We right now have a good slate of candidates who are not toxic to marriage equality. That is a huge shift if you look over the last 10, 12 years in terms of Republican nominees for statewide office." - Charles Moran, national spokesman for Log Cabin Republicans, as quoted by the Bay Area Reporter

Friday, April 10, 2009

Log Cabin Republicans have some competition

GOPROUD is a new organization being founded by gay conservatives who believe the longstanding Log Cabin Republicans has become too similar in its views to more liberal gay groups.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tim Gill funding Republicans?

Yeah, but it's not exactly what it sounds like. Seems that the Gill Action Fund has been keeping the Log Cabin Republicans afloat for the past few years - partially to ensure a GLNT presence at the Republican National Convention. There seems to be some disagreement on just how much the LCR depends on the Action Fund's finances, but any gay group who endorsed Sarah Palin (and they did) needs all the help they can get.