Monday, June 26, 2017

It's Never Been About Cake

The nation's highest court has granted review in the case of a business that requested a religious exemption from Colorado’s LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination law.

Every lower court that has heard this case – including the Colorado Supreme Court – has ruled the right way, finding that denying service to someone because they are LGBTQ is not just wrong, but also violates long-standing state laws here in Colorado. When the Justices meet, they’ll review the case record and surely see that businesses open to the public must serve all members of the public equally.

This case, the ACLU’s Craig and Mullins v. Masterpiece Cakeshop, may be centered on a bakery – but it’s never been about cake. It’s always been about people being turned away from businesses just because of who they are. This sort of discrimination is a violation of our non-discrimination protections in Colorado, and it’s wrong.

The One Colorado team filed a legal brief in the case explaining that freedom of religion is vital – one of our most cherished values – and it’s already protected in the Constitution. But religion should never be used as an excuse for discrimination. That’s the message we must send to the Supreme Court in the coming months.

While the ACLU and others make compelling arguments in the courtroom, it’s up to us in Colorado to push forward and build momentum to stand strong against anti-LGBTQ discrimination. Today, the best way to do that is by making sure your friends and loved ones know that we need all hands on deck for the work ahead.

A majority of Americans oppose policies that allow businesses to cite their religious beliefs as an excuse for discrimination. Let’s make that heard loud and clear – click here to share.