Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Melissa Etheridge on Tyra

Melissa Etheridge was on Tyra today talking about her career, her family, her battle with cancer and her relationship with her wife Tammy Lynn Michaels (of the late, still lamented TV show Popular).

“She saved my life,” said Etheridge, responding to Tyra’s question about how Tammy helped her overcome breast cancer.

“My wife basically is an x-rated film,” she said when Tyra asked her about whether or not she owned any porn.

And Johnny Depp is the male celebrity she would like to make out with because he is “very in tune with his feminine side.”

But the celebrity she most wishes would turn out to be gay is somebody else entirely. “I wish someone like George Clooney would just say, ‘yeah, I like me some man.’ You know? To which Tyra responded, “That would be so hot!”

The Tyra Banks Show is on at 11 a.m. on The CW in Denver and 4 p.m. in Colorado Springs. To see a clip from today’s show or for a shot at winning a copy of Melissa Etheridge’s new CD The Awakening, visit