Monday, February 4, 2008

HIV/AIDS Community Educational Forums in Denver

Understanding Your Labs with Dr. Ken Greenberg

We all pay attention to our T-cells and viral load results, but what about the other tests that are done? What are they all? How often should they be done? What should we know about these tests? What should we pay attention to? What about the CD4/CD8 percentages? CBC (complete blood count, red & white cells), liver, kidney, lipids (cholesterol & triglycerides), glucose (blood sugar), and urinalysis are all routinely tested. In addition, there are the resistance tests: genotype, phenotype, & "virtual phenotype". What about assays for viral fitness & replication capacity? Then there are other tests such as free testosterone, B12, prostate, HLA5701, the delta32 mutation, and the list goes on and on. Is there a difference between poz & neg people when a result is just above or just below the "normal" range? Usually rising viral load results in lower T-cells and vice versa, but what about when one goes up or down but the other doesn't? What's going on with those of us who have consistent & steady viral load, but T-cells also remain steady and we stay healthy? Dr. Greenberg will give us a concise and informative crash course on our bloodwork, and address our questions.

This Community Educational Forum will take place on Tuesday, February 12th at Our Saviors Lutheran Church at 9th and Emerson (in the community room, lower level, enter from Emerson Street). There will be a free dinner at 6 p.m. catered by Whole Foods and the Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. No RSVP is necessary.