Monday, May 19, 2008

Margaret Cho speaks out about California same-sex marriage affirmation

Here's what Margaret Cho has to say about it:

Oh Califonia! How proud I am of you! I was born in San Francisco, and although I always loved my fair city, during the 80s I was seriously torn up because secretly, I knew I would eventually have to move to Los Angeles to begin my show business career. I had a deep crush on all of Southern California. Isn't it funny when you can have a love affair with a network of small cities connected by freeways? So I cheated on San Francisco with Los Angeles, and I ended up marrying LA, but now I keep reigniting my San Francisco passion by returning time and time again.

Now I see you can love two cities, and you can love a whole state even more. Now that California has gay marriage, I feel like the whole state has been upgraded. The traffic seems lighter, cars moving faster, breezier through the streets because everyone is in a good mood making wedding plans in their head. It is unseasonably hot right now, but it isn't unbearable, because the notions of freedom and equality are keeping us cool. The right to gay marriage feels like what it is called – just 'right' – and I can't imagine living anywhere else right now!! yeah!!! And pride is going to rock this year – especially in San Francisco and Los Angeles - so if you live in another state, please come for the party!!!