Thursday, July 31, 2008

Six lawncare tips from a gay man who works for Denver Water

With it being one of the hottest and driest summers on record, here are a few tips from Denver Water on taking care of your lawn in such extreme conditions:

1. Now is a good time to aerate your lawn because it helps water get to the roots.
2. Bluegrass goes dormant in extreme heat. It's not dying – you don't have to pour on extra water.
3. Don't water between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. It's bad for your lawn and against Denver Water's rules.
4. Make sure your sprinklers are watering evenly.
5. Deal with a dry spot by hand-watering that spot in the evening.
6. Doing regular fertilization – spring & fall is wise, though now is not a good time to fertilize. Wait until it cools off in September (chemicals burn the grass right now).

And be sure to look into xeriscaping if you've got some landscaping to do.

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