Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm going to opening night of Avenue Q

There's not a whole lot of news there. I just wanted to brag a bit. I'm really looking forward to this one.

Word on the street says it's: "A hilarious show full of heart and hummable tunes, Avenue is about trying to make it in New York City with big dreams and a tiny bank account. Called “one of the funniest shows you’re ever likely to see” by Entertainment Weekly, Avenue Q features a cast of people and puppets who tell the story in a smart, risqué and downright entertaining way.

Note: Although it takes its inspiration from Sesame Street, Avenue Q is a show for adults and is not for young children. The show features choice language, full puppet nudity, and topics like surfing the web for naughty things."

I especially like the 'Note' because I like puppet nudity and surfing the web for naughty things. It's like Avenue Q was written just for me!