Monday, September 8, 2008

Avenue Q&A: Cullen Titmas

Like on Sesame Street, the puppets of Avenue Q learn valuable lessons about the world and themselves, unlike on Sesame Street, they do it without wearing underwear and addicted to porn. I caught up with castmember Cullen Titmas to find out what it's like living on Avenue Q.

Drew Wilson: Hey Cullen, how's it going?
Cullen Titmas: Doing good, I’m in sunny California and doing some shopping and chilling.

Are you wearing underwear today?
Ha, I sure am.

And what kind of underwear would that be?
Always, always, always boxer briefs.

You’re a Colorado boy, aren’t you?
Yeah, I’m from Colorado Springs.

How did growing up in Colorado Springs prepare you for a life of working in a puppet show.
Hmm, well, the Springs … I’m glad I grew up there because it’s a beautiful city but it certainly is a stretch from NYC where I live now. I love to visit though, and my whole family still lives there and it’s a beautiful place to go and hang out.

How long have you lived in New York?
I’ve been in New York for about 10 years.

Practically a native like myself.
I’m definitely a New Yorker now. You’re a native?

Oh, yeah. But I love Colorado. Are you gay, straight or puppetsexual?
I am straight but I play a gay puppet. Does that count for anything?

As far as I’m concerned it does.
We really get to spread our wings with this show. I actually play like seven different characters. I’m the swing in the show and I know all the male parts. It’s fun to play so many different characters.

Which one is your favorite?
Hmm, let’s see. They’re all fun but I play Nicky and Trekkie the most. Nicky has the closeted homosexual roommate and Trekkie is the monster that’s addicted to porn.

Ah, that famous song, 'The Internet is for Porn'. So what are your top reasons why the internet is for porn?
Uh, gosh, you ask hard questions. Let’s see, the top reasons the internet is for porn …

Do you straight people like Xtube?
I think Redtube is the straight one.

How much internet porn do you look at in a day?
Gosh, honestly, or should I lie?

I can handle the truth.
Um, just a few minutes. That’s all it takes, right?

If you’re doing it right.
Yeah, so I'll say like three minutes tops!

So what's the Avenue Q story in a nutshell?
It’s the same kind of educational show format we all grew up with as kids. It follows the story of Princeton who has recently just graduated from college and so instead of learning his ABCs he’s learning adult lessons like what his purpose in life is and he’s interacting with all sorts of people. It’s about love and relationships and work and trying to make a living right out of college.

Why should people come see the show?
They should come to watch rowdy puppet sex with a message.

Avenue Q plays at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House through September 21. For tickets or more information check out