Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ted Haggard: Out of the 'wilderness' and coming soon to HBO

Ted Haggard is back in the spotlight, blabbing about how he made it through the wilderness, somehow he made it through, didn't know how lost he was, until he found you.

He's plugging his new HBO documentary 'The Trials of Ted Haggard'.

In it he takes responsibility for his mistakes, calls his sexual orientation 'complex', and considers starting a public speaking career to be "helpful to people".

If Ted REALLY wants to help people through a public speaking career, he should tell them that it's okay to be gay, that he made a mistake when he condemned same-sex love, that he accepts his "complicated" sexuality, and that other people should, too.

And he should make sure to tell them that the thing he did wrong - his "sin" - was cheating on his wife, not having a same-sex relationship.

I don't know if Ted's completely "through the wilderness" and out on the other side. But he does seem to be becoming a little more honest--with himself and with everyone else.

That's a step in the right direction.