Thursday, February 5, 2009

Did the laid off Focus on the Family workers work themselves right out of jobs?

Recently released reports show that Colorado's Focus on the Family spent nearly $700,000 in 2008 to support California's gay marriage ban Prop. 8.

Wanna know what else they did in 2008?

Laid off hundreds of their workers, right before Christmas.

Now, losing a job in this economy is no laughing matter but I have to wonder; did those employees of Focus on the Family work themselves right out of jobs by being so gung-ho to fund and fight the battle against gay rights in California?

Could they have stood up to the powers that be at Focus on the Family and demanded they spend less time and money trying to repress the rights of GLBT citizens and put more money towards keeping them on the payroll? Focusing on their families, so to speak?

Do you think they wish they had?