Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Was it a Senate meeting or a tent revival?

During a Senate meeting on Monday regarding a bill allowing health benefits for partners of state employees, Sen. Scott Renfroe of Greeley (pictured) spouted Bible verses calling for gays to be put to death and said that homosexuality was a sin equal to murder according to the Denver Post.

The Denver Post does not note whether Renfroe spoke in tongues or handled any snakes.

Fortunately, rational thinking won out and the Colorado Senate passed Sen. Veiga's domestic partner benefits for state employees by a voice vote.

It will be voted on again in the Senate and then go to the House.

Meanwhile, why not contact Sen. Renfroe and remind him of a little thing called separation of church and state.

It sounds like he could use a refresher course.

Contact Senator Renfroe:


