Friday, March 27, 2009

Lame bill put down in Kentucky

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, issued the following statement with regard to reports that Senate Bill 68, a bill that would prohibit adoption or foster parenting by any person “cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage that is valid in Kentucky,” has died in the Kentucky legislature. The Kentucky House of Representatives adjourned without voting on the legislation, which had been approved by a Senate committee and was pending in the Senate. Kentucky’s legislative session ends March 30.

“We’re glad to see that this dangerous bill did not advance. Very simply, very plainly, this legislation would have hurt children in Kentucky who are waiting for permanent homes with loving families,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “We congratulate the Fairness Campaign, Kentucky Fairness Alliance, Kentucky Equality Federation, Join the Impact, the ACLU of Kentucky and HRC members who made their voices heard in support of children.”

More after the jump.

"The fact that this attack on children was stopped at the Senate Committee level speaks volumes to the broad-based coalition support the Fairness Campaign was able to rally around this issue," said Chris Hartman, Director of the Louisville-based Fairness Campaign. "We hope this victory is a sign that discriminatory anti-adoption legislation will not be considered in the Commonwealth's future, and that if it is, the Fairness Campaign will gather and build upon our allies and mobilize them against this bill with even greater fervor."

Tennessee’s legislature is currently considering a similar bill that would ban adoption by any person “involved in a cohabitating sexual relationship outside of a marriage”. Four states, Florida, Mississippi, Utah, and Arkansas, currently have laws that prohibit adoption by gay or lesbian couples (Florida’s law additionally prohibits adoption by gay or lesbian individuals). For additional information about state adoption laws affecting gay and lesbian people and couples, please visit:

Kentucky law prohibits gay or lesbian couples from marrying.