Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GLAAD Call to Action: Call Fox News today!

On February 13, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck communicated misinformation to his viewers about the Iowa Supreme Court decision that ended the exclusion of loving, committed same-sex couples from marriage in that state.
During a discussion with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, Beck said:

"Marriage, however, is different, because I believe this case is actually about going into churches and going in and attacking churches and saying you can't teach anything else."

Beck needs to read the actual Iowa Supreme Court ruling. On pages 66 and 67, the ruling clearly states that religious institutions' doctrine and decisions about who they will and will not marry are not affected by the decision:

In the final analysis, we give respect to the views of all Iowans on the issue of same-sex marriage – religious or otherwise – by giving respect to our constitutional principles. These principles require that the state recognize both opposite-sex and same-sex civil marriage. Religious doctrine and views contrary to this principle of law are unaffected, and people can continue to associate with the religion that best reflects their views. A religious denomination can still define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and a marriage ceremony performed by a minister, priest, rabbi, or other person ordained or designated as a leader of the person's religious faith does not lose its meaning as a sacrament or other religious institution. The sanctity of all religious marriages celebrated in the future will have the same meaning as those celebrated in the past. The only difference is civil marriage will now take on a new meaning that reflects a more complete understanding of equal protection of the law. This result is what our constitution requires.

You can read the full court decision by clicking on this link:

GLAAD urges you to contact Fox News' John Moody, Senior Vice President, News – Editorial, and ask for an on-air clarification from Glenn Beck. Let Moody know that Fox News has a responsibility to accurately discuss – not distort and misrepresent – the text of this decision.

John Moody, Senior Vice-President, News – Editorial
Fox News Channel
(212) 301-8560