Friday, April 10, 2009

Lambda Legal Help Desk: Can gay high school couples attend prom?

Lambda Legal runs a great feature called Lambda Legal Help Desk on their website that addresses questions from readers about various legal issues of interest to the GLBT community. Here's a recent one from a high school senior:

Q: I am a 17–year–old senior at a public high school. I recently came out to my parents and family, and told them that I have been secretly dating a classmate they thought was my best friend. To my surprise, my family was very accepting and supportive of my relationship. My school’s prom is next month and my boyfriend and I would really like to go together. The principal has told us that he prefers we not attend together, but if we do, we can only go as “friends.” He also said that we will not be allowed to hold hands or dance with each other. Is there anything we can do to get the administration to let us go to our prom as a couple and act like all of the other students at prom?

A: The good news is that, as a public school student, you have the right to express yourself. That includes the right to express your identity and the right to enjoy the prom like any other couple attending. The school should not be enforcing a “no dancing” rule against only you and your date. Your parents are your allies. Consider asking them to talk to the principal with you. Document your efforts in writing (and request a written response). See our sample demand letter for help. If the principal continues to refuse to allow you to attend the prom as a couple, contact Lambda Legal’s Help Desk or a local attorney. We help many students win fairness in school, including at prom. You can also find more information about your rights to attend prom by reading 'Lambda Legal’s Prom Season: What LGBTQ Youth Need to Know'.