Thursday, April 2, 2009

Soulforce Colorado plans civil disobedience for D-Day

Soulforce in Colorado announces plans for Nonviolent Civil Disobedience (NVCD) on D-Day Contact them immediately at if you are willing to participate in any capacity but especially if you're willing to engage in
NVCD. You must attend a training in nonviolent resistance to participate in civil disobedience.

In the near future, the California Supreme Court will announce its decision on whether to repeal Proposition 8. The ruling will likely be issued during normal business hours as early as this week, or as late as June 5th. When this time comes, it will be an historic moment for the LGBTIQ community. Win or lose, we have a long way to go before lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people achieve equal protection in all fifty states on matters governed by civil law.

LGBTIQ people and our allies anxiously await the California Supreme Court decision either affirming or rejecting the hateful anti-gay Proposition 8. But they don't plan to just wait for the decision, this time the community plans to act.

You should consider joining the Denver “Day of Decision” action.

Find out more after the jump.

Regardless of whether we are celebrating a positive decision or if the court rules against us, we must make sure that our voices are heard. We will stand (or sit) in solidarity with millions across the nation to send a powerful message to the world that our communities will not idly sit by. We will make a profound statement on behalf of equal protection before the law for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in every state of the union.

Even if the court rules to uphold the 18,000 existing same sex marriages, but allows the rest of Prop 8 to stand, it will not be a victory. If discrimination remains in the California Constitution and ANYWHERE, we must take this struggle to the streets.

Organizing now will also send the message that we no longer accept discrimination against us. We must be ready. Here’s what you can do:

1) Sign up to be on the alert list. Send an email to and say “I will come to the demonstration for equality! Tell me when to meet on the Day of Decision.” Please also tell us if you intend to participate in nonviolent civil disobedience. You must attend a training in nonviolent resistance to participate in civil disobedience.

2) Find at least five other people who will come to the action with you... and who will also pledge to relay the alert message to at least five other people on the Day of Decision. Program their phone numbers into your cell phone. Prepare an email blast to send out immediately to help SPREAD THE WORD.

3) Make a sign to carry on the picket line. Keep it ready in your car at all times. Suggested slogans:

“The Only Decision = Full Equality”
“Separ8 Is Not Equal”
“Love, Not H8”
"Proud 2 Love"
"Stop the H8!"
or bring dream up your own nonviolent slogan...

4) On the Day of Decision, drop what you’re doing and get down to the Wellington Webb Building (at the intersection of Colfax and 15th in Denver) to DEMONSTRATE and PICKET.

D-Day Organizing Team:

Chris Hubble

Cathi Woodward

Kate Burns