Monday, August 31, 2009

Boulder's gay history

Boulder’s 150-year history holds stories of many groups, some well known and some relatively hidden from view. CU's GLBT Alumni group will make the hidden more visible when they discuss gay history in Boulder County at a colloquium on September 26 on the CU-Boulder campus followed by a reception at the Koenig Alumni Center.

Tim Fuller--a closeted gay city councilman who was recalled in 1974 in an angry election reacting to the council’s granting protections for gay, lesbian and bisexual citizens--will keynote the event. The Saturday afternoon colloquium will feature Fuller and a panel of close observers of the history of gayness in Boulder County that includes the city, the University, the school district and state.

The colloquium and reception are sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender chapter of the CU-Boulder Alumni Association with the support of a grant from The Open Door Fund and assistance from IBM Boulder and the CU-Boulder Office of Counseling and Psychological Services.