Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Rights Five: Five Days, Five Rights

Day two of the MileHighGayGuy Five Days, Five Rights examination of The Rights Five and today we've got The Clarifier.

The Clarifier represents Colorado's Housing and Public Accommodations Nondiscrimination law. The law, passed as Senate Bill 200, expanded Colorado's anti-discrimination protections in public accommodations, housing and a variety of other areas to include LGBT people.

A place of public accommodation is any business that offers sales or services of any kind to the public, or that offers facilities, privileges, advantages or other accommodations to the public, such as hotels, restaurants, stores, hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

The housing provisions protect LGBT people by ensuring that landlords, any entity that provides a lease, sellers, homeowner associations, lenders, real estate agencies, insurers, advertisers, cities, counties, government agencies, and others involved in showing, selling, renting, transferring, or leasing housing or residential real estate.

Individuals who have experienced discrimination and would like to file a complaint should contact the Colorado Civil Rights Division at 303-894-2997 or go to their website at: www.dora.state.co.us/civil-rights. For additional information on this law, click here.